BMD Travel and Tours
Payment Information
1. Pay an invoice that will be provided after registration has been confirmed, from your checking
account, via Paypal, to PayPal Me, or complete and submit the Credit Card Authorization form, to pay by Credit Card (with no additional fees) or the E-Check Authorization form, to pay by check or setup recurring check payments (no additional fees).
Use the 'Payment Options' link below to submit a payment for your existing Vacation Package or Cruise managed by BMD Travel and Tours.
2. Mail checks payable to: BMD Travel and Tours.
Please remember, you can split your payments, from initial deposit to final payment, however you choose (i.e. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, per paycheck, etc.), as long as the payments are made by the payment schedule outlined above.
11601 Shadow Creek Parkway Ste. 111-124 Pearland, TX 77584
4. Complete and submit the Credit Card Authorization form, to pay by Credit Card (with no additional fees).
NOTICE: Please include the group name or reservation # in the note. In addition, please email ( or text 281-687-4776 to alert us when a check has been mailed.
NOTICE: Use the 'Account Statements' link above to access our client portal, using your email address and the password generated after accepting the invitation. The client portal gives you access to your invoices, payment receipts and account statements from BMD Travel and Tours.
WARNING: A 3.9% transaction fee plus 30 cents service fee will be added to Credit Card payments submitted via PayPal or online invoices.
5. Contact us for Zelle, Square Cash, Cash App payments
Payment Information
3. Complete and submit the E-Check Authorization form, to pay by check or setup recurring check payments
BMD Travel and Tours
Payment Options
WARNING: You MUST choose the ‘Sending Money to Friends or Family’ option, when paying via PayPal. If you choose the ‘Paying for Goods or Services’ option, fees will be deducted from your payment, reducing the impact of your payment, leaving a larger balance.
WARNING: In addition, a3.9% transaction fee plus 30 cents service fee will be added to Credit Card payments submitted via PayPal or online invoices.