Ocean Suites

Balcony Staterooms

Ocean View Staterooms

Interior Staterooms
~ May 21, 2019 - May 28, 2019 ~​​
Cruise Information
Go big… and you’re home. A deluxe Suite on a Carnival ship means most of the comforts of home, with absolutely none of the hassles. In your spacious suite you’ll enjoy the pinnacle of private, luxurious relaxation at sea… it’s truly the ultimate way to cruise. Get comfy — stretch out, put your feet up, or just spend time on your balcony thinking about just how sweet it is. You’ll also embark and debark the ship without a wait, because your suite affords you VIP status. Good choice!
 For more information on Ocean Suite Staterooms,visit:​
Balcony staterooms were practically made to let you catch sight of a stunning sea view and feel that smooth sea breeze, so don’t overlook a balcony when planning your next cruise. Essentially, this is what cruising is all about. Convinced? Great! So when you’re finally onboard, try this: open your balcony door, take a step outside and just stand there. Breathe in and breathe out, just watching the ocean go by. There’s no relaxing like relaxing right where your comfy stateroom meets the vast blue sea.
 For more information on Balcony Staterooms,visit:​
Is there anything better than waking up in the morning and looking out over the water, or a picturesque port town… before you even get out of bed? We don’t think so, but you can find out for sure by going ahead and cruising in an Ocean View stateroom! These comfy windowed rooms let you sail along to stunning destinations while gazing at of the sort of vistas you simply won’t find anywhere on land.
 For more information on Ocean View Staterooms, visit:​
While Interior staterooms are the most affordable way to get on a Carnival cruise — and experience all the fun that comes along with one — they definitely don’t cut corners when it comes to comfort. Not only do these rooms feature a full private bathroom and complimentary 24-hour room service, but you’ll find your bed — draped with Carnival Comfort Collection linens — the perfect spot to curl up after a long day’s fun.
 For more information on Interior Staterooms, visit:​
Carnival Staterooms